In Your Shadow Read online

Page 18

  “Sir can I help you.”

  He turned and looked and there was a tall heavy set gray headed man standing beside him.

  “No I am fine, just resting my legs.”

  “This is my house, so if you will excuse me.” He walked beside him on the steps and un locked his door and went in.

  Tom knew he had to move now before someone call the police on him. He quickly got up taking one more glance at her house and worked back down the street to his car.

  “I will be back before day break my love.”

  Getting back into his car, he pulls out of the large underground garage. It took him a few minutes to get though the traffic as he finely took his exit off the interstate on to a long winding dark country road. The tree limbs hung over the road like a hidden tunnel in the middle of nowhere. It was quiet and secluded and peaceful. This was the only place he could get away from the hustle of the city life. Pulling up to the door a light was shining on through the window. He was so glad to see that the electricity was on, it looked like a cabin out of a story book. He visualized her standing in the doorway with her arms opened.

  “Welcome home love.” Her hair blowing from the night breeze. Her rosy cheeks and her beautiful smile.

  That lifted his spirits and put a smile on his face even though he knew it was only in his mind, but soon it would become his reality. Walking in his front door he was sweating heavily even in the cold air. He was very agitated and squirming like a cat trying to find a way out. He glanced down by the stone fireplace and noticed her shawl laying in the floor. He picks it up and brings it to his nose, breathing in its scent. She wasn’t on it anymore, the freshness of her was gone. Dropping the cloth down on the sofa he turns with his narrow eyes trying to see her around him. Nothing, she never appeared, she was gone. Frustrated he went and took a long hot shower trying to relax his body and his mind. Nothing at this point calmed his nerves his obsession with her had took total control over his decisions, mind, behavior, everything. He was consumed to the point of no returning to the real world. He stood there dripping wet with water as he looked at his refection in the mirror visualizing her standing behind him. He tried no to blink because she would leave him again. Once again she disappeared, anger at himself he yells out.

  “Katie, why? You will always be mine. Always.”

  Taking deep breaths as he walks to the living room and lights a fire. Sitting in front of it feeling the heart warm his cold body. It felt like a blanket covering his skin. Rocking back and forward just staring into the flames the flames of her.

  Chapter 21

  Pulling up to his building Katie was still resting her head against the window.

  “Katie” his voice low and pleasant.

  He called her name again as he touches her shoulders. Looking over at her eyes barely open, he could see the puffiness that formed underneath. Looking tried and exhaled she sat up in the seat.

  “We are here.”

  Getting out of his truck and walks over and helps her out. He could tell she was barely standing up.

  “That was a little too much for this strong woman to bare.” He thought.

  He scooped her up in his arms and she put her arms around his neck. Stepping into the elevator she never releases her hold resting softly on his shoulders. Her breath hot against his neck, sending chills down his spin. Just the feel of her heat coming from her body made him come alive. He was wanting her, needing her.

  “Thank you for being here for me.” She whispers in his ear.

  “You are so welcome love.” His arms went tighter around her. He wasn’t going to let her go, not now, not ever.

  He carried her straight to the bedroom and laid her down. Her eyes blood shot as she slowly closed them and curled up on her side. Pulling the covers over her small body he finally managed to pull his gaze from her. He walks out of the room leaving her in a deep sleep. He pouring him a drink from the bar and walks to the window looking out the glass at the lights of Manhattan. It seemed like hours had past and he hadn’t moved from that spot. Finally, he goes back to the bedroom and slides in behind her. Pulling her against chest he drifts off.


  Katie opens her eyes at the sun peeked through the blinds. Running her hand over the empty spot next to her the sheets which was still warm from his body. Closing her eyes again breathing in his aroma letting it give her a sense of belonging. She didn’t want to move from this spot, after all the excitement she had this was her safe haven. She wished he had taken the time to wake her, but instead he left her in this huge empty bed. Rubbing her eyes to get rid of the tiredness, she sat up. Feeling like she had a hangover, wanting to crawl back under the covers and sleep the day away. She stumbles to her feet and goes in the bathroom to wash her face. Looking at herself in the mirror she couldn’t believe what she was seeing, her face all swelled and eyes all swollen from the crying she had done.

  “What a sight?” she thought.

  Leaving the bedroom with nothing on but his long t-shirt she walks barefooted to the kitchen where he was standing in his jogging pants. He looked so hot and inviting, she wanted to run her fingers up and down his chest and feel every muscle he had. Her body was on fire for him. She was finding herself more and more addicted to him.

  She looked down trying to hide her face.

  “Don’t hide you face from me, you are beautiful.” John smiling at her. He hands her a cup of coffee.

  Her face blushing, she looks up at him and noticed the clock on the wall behind him read 8.00.

  “Oh shit, I’m late for work.”

  Jumping up from the chair her head started to spin. With her hand still on the chair it kept her from falling. She looked over at John hoping he wouldn’t notice. Before she gave him a chance to pick up on it she set back down.

  “Why don’t you work from here today? Besides don’t you have to leave for you fathers this afternoon remember we have a party to attend.” John knew she was still feeling the after effects of last night.

  “Oh My God the party. I am not sure I am ready for all of that.” She signed putting her hands around her coffee cup.

  John puts a plate in front of her, two eggs, English muffin, sausage, blue berry muffin.

  “I can’t eat all of this.”

  “Eat what you can.”

  Taking a small bite out of her muffin her she could hear her phone ring. It was in her purse on the table in the other room. She looks over and starts to get up to retrieve it.

  “I will get it, stay seated.”

  She watches John walk over and grab it out of her purse. He looked down at the caller I D and noticed it was her office, he hurried back to her and hands her the phone.

  “Hello” she answered on the fourth ring.

  “Ms. Katie I was just checking on you. I didn’t know if anything was wrong you are never late.”

  “Oh no I am a bit under the weather today so I want be coming in. Divert my calls to my phone please. I want be back until Monday.”

  “Yes Ms. Katie I hope you get to feeling better.”

  “Oh I am sure I will it is just a bug. You have a wonderful New Year’s.”

  “You to.”

  Katie hung the phone up. She had never taken a day off in five years, this was a first for her.

  “That was easy, so dear back to bed you go.”

  “Oh no, just because I didn’t go in my office don’t mean I can’t work from here.”

  “Slave driver.” He giggles.

  His eyes watched her carefully as she picked at her food. He could tell that the events of the last twenty-four hours were still fresh on her mind.

  “A penny for your thoughts.”

  She looked up at him with a slight grin, she started to speak and her phone hang again. She looked down at her phone and it was her friend Olivia.

  “Oh shit, I forgot to call her. I am so not ready for her this morning.”

  “Then don’t answer it.”

  “If I don’t she will call m
y dad.”

  She takes a deep breath and puts the phone to her ear.

  “Hey girl.”

  “Finally, you are a hard person to reach these days.”

  “I have been busy.”

  “To busy for me.”

  “Olivia, don’t do that. I am taking to you now. What’s up?”

  “Well I am calling to see where you want to meet today before we leave to your fathers. You got you a dress I hope.”

  “I thought you had a ride.”

  “Well I thought we could go together. Besides I want to meet this man your father talks so highly about. He sounds like a real keeper. I want to see if he is for real.”

  “You don’t think he is real.” she was staring straight into John’s eyes. He was watching every move she was making. She could tell he was giggling under his breath.

  “Well you always hire someone to accompany you.”

  “Well he is real, Olivia and I didn’t hire him!” her voice sharp.

  John started coughing as he choked on his coffee.

  “Oh he’s there isn’t he, I hear him. Put him on the phone.”

  “No I will not. I will call you with the time.”

  “Oh no you are not going to get me off this phone that easy.”

  “Olivia I will call you back, I have to go.”

  “Wait what does he look like, is he hot.”

  “Bye Olivia.” Katie hangs the phone up her face blushing red.

  John was laughing as he tried to take another drink of his coffee.

  “So she thinks I’m not real huh.”

  Katie nods her head before she spoke.

  “Yea something like that.”

  “I can’t wait to meet this one.”

  “Trust me, you want never forget her. She is very out spoken. You never know you may have eyes for her.”

  He looked at her in shock at what she just said.

  “Oh my dear I only have eyes for one and one only and you should know clearly who that is.”

  She watches him walk over to the bar stool and stands so close to her that she could feel the heat from his breath. She straddles him as he reaches down and nipples on her neck. He then lefts her up to him and covering her lips. His tongue exploring every inch of her mouth, then running his lips down her neck kissing her softly from ear to neck. When he releases his lips his eyes went to hers. He was ready to take her right then. She moves close to him, kissing his neck and licks the base of his neck and kisses his jaw before looking into his eyes.

  “Now, you convinced I only have eyes for you.”

  His lips went down on hers again leaving her head spinning and her knees weak. The gentle touch sends a current all down her body. He was like a sink hole and she was falling in. She could feel the heat radiating though him. Leaning closer, his breath tickled her ear as his mouth went down her neck again. Her eyes closed voluntarily as her body responded.

  He relinquished his hold looking down at her pearly green eyes. The way they called out for him screaming for more, he was lost in her desire. His thumb brushed over her bottom lip, and her mouth opened instinctively.

  Leading her to the bedroom she followed with no hesitation. Picking her up he lays her gently on the sheets. His eyes rained on her and the intensity of his gaze sent tingles down her stomach.

  Her head pressed into the pillow as his hands moved down her stomach, she sucks in her breath. His lips moving up to her mouth then to her neck. Pressing his body against hers his fingers cresting every inch. Her lips slightly parted, her breath already ragged. He lifts his body up pulling off his pants as his lips never leaving hers. With the other hand he removes her clothing. Then he quickly moves back over her, claiming every part of her body. She shivers as his mouth moves over her stomach stopping at her navel dipping his tongue inside. He moves down to her thighs, he could feel her shiver as her legs move apart. He could see her fist knot up in the sheets, her breathing became rapid. Hearing her moan under her breath he returns to her lips once again. Pulling her into him he could feel her hands on his back pressing hard against his muscles. He thrust into her once, then twice and then explodes with the force of a tornado. He opens his eyes and sees a grin across her face as he nuzzles down on her neck and moves to her lips. Kissing her softly as he pulls away and gazes into her eyes.

  She comes back to reality as his warm body separate from hers.

  “This is a great way to start a morning.”

  Grinning at her with so much passion in his eyes she was lost forever. He crawled out of bed and headed to the bathroom.

  Finally, she sat up on the corner of the bed and she could hear her phone going off in the other room. Jumping to attention she grabs the t-shirt laying on the floor and runs to the kitchen. Looking down at her phone it was her father. Dialing the phone back he answers quickly.

  “Oh my dear are you alright.”

  “Yes daddy I am fine.”

  “I called your office and Susan said you were sick.”

  “Daddy I am fine, just needed a day off.”

  “A day off, I am glad to hear it!” his voice over joyed with excitement. “This couldn’t have anything to do with John.” He laughed.

  If he really knew what was going on she would be locked up in his house never to see daylight again.

  “Oh Daddy.”

  “Are you still coming tonight.”

  “Of course wouldn’t miss it for the world.” She was trying to put joy in her voice no letting him know how she dreaded it. Even though it was a family tradition every year to have his mask ball, New Year’s eve party. She didn’t’ enjoy going. She wasn’t much on rubbing elbows with the public. She was the only person she knew that turned up with a hired escort until now. Still she hated it, she only did it for her father, because he was all that she had left.

  “Good well I will see you soon.”

  “See you tonight.”

  She hangs up the phone and looks over at the clock it read 10.30 am. At that moment a flash back hit her from last night. She was debating to call the detective are not.

  “If I called him and told him I have someone leaving me white lilies, are my deceased husbands boots aren’t there and that I am paranoid, what would he think? I think they would call me crazy. On top of that he would think I have lost it. As long as I am not at the townhouse I think I will be safe.” All these questions going through her mind.

  “I am putting this to rest, it is my past and it is time for me to let go of it. Move on and be happy John is right. It is in my past. I can’t let this stalker frighten me and take the life back out of me again. I would let this happen, no now.” With that thought she looked up and John was standing there with a towel wrapped around his waist. He had a large grin on his face.

  “I thought you might join me for a long shower.”

  “If I did that we would never leave here today.”

  “That’s the plan?” he laughed.

  “As Tempting as it may sound I have a few more calls to make before we leave this evening.”

  She watched him move closer to her as her body started to heat up again. His phone rings before he reached her.

  “You are safe for now.” He laughed.

  “Who said I wanted to be saved.” She giggled.

  She watched him laugh as he went to the other room and answered his phone.

  That gave time to run though the shower and start to get things ready. As she was getting out of the shower her phone rings again. This time it was Zoe.

  “Hey Zoe.”

  “Hey Katie, the reason I am calling is to see if you are going to look at the house this afternoon.”

  “Zoe I have completely forgotten can we do it Monday.”

  “Well it has to have your approval before it close’s next week.”

  “That’s right, well I can try to do it this afternoon. I am going to be pressed for time. I have to go out of town for the weekend but I will try to fit it in.”

  “That would be great.
How does 4 o’clock sound.”

  “Well it I may be a few minutes late but I will see if I can make it.”

  “If you can make it let me no so I can reschedule the closing.”

  “Alright lets shot for this evening.”

  “I will see you then.”

  Katie hangs up the phone and nods her head not aware John was standing right behind her.

  “You have an appointment this afternoon.”

  “Yes, I have to meet an escort to take me to the party.” The words slipped out of her mouth without thinking.


  Katie started laughing at the expression on his face.

  “Oh you think that is funny do you.”

  “Yes I do, I couldn’t resist.” She was still giggling. He didn’t find any humor in her little joke.

  “I have to meet Zoe on the house if you must know.”

  She stood there watching his face, with his eye brows raised and a serious look on his face. She was trying not to crack a smile but she couldn’t help it. Laughter filled the room again.

  John was loving that sound, but he didn’t like her little joke. She would pay dearly for that. He finally cracked a smile dropping his towel and walked towards her. She was wrapped in his robe from her quick shower and her hair was knotted up in a towel. Standing a few feet from her he kissed her forehead and turned and went to his closet.

  “Oh still mad are we. Well if it will make you feel better you can escort me to the house.” Laughing again she turned and went to the bathroom.

  She jumped as his arms went around her and turned her quickly around to face him. His arms tightly around her waist pinning her against the vanity.

  “Oh my dear I will always be your escort from this point on.” His hand went behind her head forcing her to face him, his lips covered her. Kissing her hard and passionately. When he released her she was gashing for air.

  Katie was spelled bound, speechless and addicted. Staring into his deep blue seductive eyes she was lost in his world. His phone started ring from the bedroom as they stood their flesh to flesh.

  “Do you know how hard it is for me to walk away from you right now. If I didn’t have to answer this call, you would be underneath me.” With that said he pulled away and walked to his phone. His eyes stayed watching her move across the room.