In Your Shadow Read online

Page 14

  Katie knew at that moment she had gave him her heart. He was the world she wanted the world she needed. The flame in her life had been rekindled and he opened up a whole new world for her. One that she was missing to make her life complete. She was happy and at peace, it felt like a thousand-pound weight had been lifted off her shoulders.

  They lay coiled together, his arm curled around hers. Her hair spread across the pillows and her face buried in his chest. His hands stroking her hair as their bodies were pressed against each other. His thought going to when they first met, her life was hardened by her past, but now she was set free and so caring and vulnerable. He wanted her to be safe, and to be with him. This was the women he wanted to be with, love at first site. She was it, his heart belongs to her and only her.

  Katie didn’t want to close her eyes, for once she felt safe, but when she slept she went into the tantalizing drift of her nightmares. She tried to keep her eyes but it wasn’t long before she drifted off into a sound sleep. John watched her for a few minutes before he closed his eyes.

  He opened his eyes as he felt her move slightly. She curled up in a ball. He rolled over and looked at the clock. It was five in the morning, he eased out of bed and took a quick shower. He stood there and watched her sleep all curled up and peaceful. He walks to the closet and pulled out his dark pants and button up shirt. He crawled out of the room and went to the kitchen and started breakfast. After cooking some eggs and toast with a side of strawberries he poured her a cup of coffee. Putting in on a tray he carried it back to the room. He sat it down on the end table and bend over and moved the hair from her face. She then opened her eyes with a slight smile on her face.

  “Morning beautiful” bending down and kissing her softly on the lips.

  “Morning “she said trying to focus on this handsome man in front of her.

  “What time is it?”

  “It’s only six thirty.”

  “You got up early.”

  “Yes I didn’t, I wanted you to have breakfast before your day started.” He reached over and got the tray.

  Katie sat up in the bed in shock that he put breakfast down in front of her.

  “Breakfast in bed.”

  “Yes, that is a great way to start a day.” Smiling.

  “I have to agree.”

  Reaching for the toast, before she brought it to her mouth he took a bite out of it and then winked at her. He then stood up and put his tie around his neck and straighten it.

  Katie’s eyes never left his. Watching every move, he made. He walks back over and sits down on the corner of the bed.

  “You better eat, you may need your strength for later.”


  “Yes, you never know what the day may bring.” He giggles.

  Knotting her head, she brings a few bites to her mouth. After taking a few sips of her coffee she sits the tray on the other side of the bed. She gets up out of bed and noticed she had his shirt on. Grinning to herself she heads to the bathroom.

  John is still sitting on the corner of the bed when she returns.

  “I have to say you sure do look great in my shirt.”

  Her face blushes as she walks closer to him. Stopping a few feet from him he stands ups and puts his arm around her and kisses her hard on the lips before releasing her.

  Taking a deep breath, she walks over to her bag and pulls out her clothes. He watches her return to the bathroom before he picks up the tray and heads to the kitchen.

  A few minutes later he sees her walking towards the kitchen. She glowed so brightly it took his breath away.

  “It time to go to work” she said, smiling.

  He walks over and kisses her lips with more passion then she has ever seen. Left her standing there in a daze.

  “Let’s go before I talk you into staying.”

  They walk out of his penthouse and head to the elevator. The door opens and they both get in. Katie was so nerves, and didn’t know why. Maybe it was the fact that she had spent the last four days with him and didn’t want it to end. She jumps as he pulls her to him and his lips cover hers, he didn’t release her until the elevator made a ding sound. They doors flew opened and they saw people in the lobby. He gently puts his hand in hers walking her to the car. The driver was standing with the door opened. Katie crawls in with him beside her.

  “I will call you later, have a wonderful day beautiful.”

  “Looking forward to hearing from you.” Smiling at her as they pull up at her work. Letting her out he watched her go up the concrete stairs to the building. When he got in the driver took him work.

  Katie climbed on the elevator up to the floor of her office. Susan was waiting at her office.

  “Good Morning Katie.”

  “Morning Susan.” She said as she walked slowly to her office door.

  “Oh I almost forgot there was a package delivered for you this morning.”

  Katie turns and walks back to her. Looking down at the small box, almost the size of a shoe box.

  “Thankyou.” Katie takes the box and heads to her office.

  Shutting her door and walks to her desks and sets it down. Looking at the top of the box there was no return address. It was sent from Rose florist. She quickly opened the box and there was another white lily.

  Standing there in shock she knew that was from the same person that left the flower at her door.

  “Whose doing this? At that moment she knew she had a stalker. She jumped as her phone rang on her desk.

  Reaching to pick it up with her trembling hands.

  “Yes Susan.”

  “Mr. Stanley is here.”

  Katie had forgotten about her meeting she had this morning.

  “Send him to the conference room I will be there in a moment. Susan who brought the package this morning.”

  “It was on my desk when I got here and the card was addressed to you.”

  “OH, was the office doors locked when you got here.”

  “I don’t think so ma’am.”

  “Tell Mr. Stanley I will be with him in a moment.”

  “Yes of course.”

  She hung up the phone and her mind was going crazy.

  “Why wasn’t the doors locked, did the cleaning lady leave them open? Are did she forget to lock them.”

  With her nerves on edge she grabbed her folder and hurried to the conference room.

  “Morning Mr. Stanley great seeing you.” Katie trying to put the flower out of her mind and focus on her business.


  John made it to work with her fresh on his mind, he could still smell her scent around him. Walking in his office he seen a pile of contracts on his desk. He looked down at them nodding his head. He picks up his phone and call his secretary.


  “Yes Mr. Taylor.”

  “Why are these files on my desk?’

  “Mr. Thomas needed your signature to finish up a few contracts.”

  “Call him to my office please.”

  “Yes sir.”

  John hung up the phone and dialed Katie’s number. It rang several times before she answered.

  “Hello John can I call you back, I’m in a meeting she whispered.”

  “I will be waiting to hear from you.”

  He hung up the phone just in time, Thomas was standing in his doorway.

  “Sit and explain why this is dumped on my desk.”

  John was frustrated, no one came in his office without informing him.

  “This is going to be a long morning” he thought to himself.

  Hours had passed before he finished up with Thomas. He looked down at his watch and it was 12.30 still he hadn’t heard anything from her. She was haunting his memory. Suddenly his phone rang and he let out a breath.

  “Hello Katie.”


  “Busy morning”


  “How about dinner tonight, I can pick you up after work?”

  “It is go
ing to be a late evening, I not sure when I will be off.”

  “Oh, are you blowing me off all ready.”

  Katie laughs before she answers.

  “No I have to finish this contract.”

  “You need some help.”

  “I don’t think you will be much help. I will call you later.”

  “Talk to you soon.” He said.

  When he hung up the phone he could sense something in her voice that gave him an uneasy feeling.

  She felt a little at ease just hearing his voice. She wanted to run to him and put her arms around him. That was the only place she felt safe anymore. At the corner of her eyes she seen the box still sitting on her desk. She got the nerve to look at the card again, nothing on it but her name. Brushing the box off her desk it fell in the trash that was beside it.

  “Focus,” she kept telling herself.

  Finally, she poured herself into her work again. Blocking everything out but the contract she was working on.

  She looked up and Susan was standing in the threshold of her door.

  “Yes Susan!”

  “Your father called, I told him you into the Bradley contract, he said to call him when you got done.”

  “Thank you.”

  Susan walks out the door before Katie realized she had been working on this for hours. She picked up the phone and dialed her father.

  “Hey dad.”

  “Glad you called, still working hard.”


  “Have you forgot about the New Year’s Eve party.”

  “This Saturday right.”

  “Yes it is, and I was going to let you know that I took the honor of ordering you a dress. Don’t get mad at me, I just know how busy you are dear.”

  “Oh Daddy, I would have gotten one.”

  “Well the party isn’t but a few days, and I wanted you to have something nice.”

  “Well thank you.” She said, even though she was agitated that he got her another dress.

  “John is coming isn’t he. I can’t wait to see him, I sure do like that guy.”

  “I’m glad, I have to go now. I will see you Saturday.”

  “Okay dear.”

  “Bye daddy.” She hung up the phone and nods her head.

  “Why does he think he had to buy me clothes?’ she thought.

  Looking down at her contract she finally starts to work on it. She didn’t notice that John had walked in her office.

  She looked up and he was sitting in front of her.

  “What happened to calling first?’ she smiled.

  “I thought you might like a surprise visit.”

  “Who said I like surprises?”

  Smiling, he put two little white square box in from of her.

  “I thought you might like some dinner.”

  “Oh, Chinese huh. I remember the last time we ate it.”

  “I brought forks this time.”

  Katie giggles, as she put her folder away. He handed her a small box of rice.

  She grabs the box and opens it.

  “Smells good.”

  “It is.”

  He starts to eat as he seen something in the corner of his eye. He turns to see what it was and it is a box with a ribbon on it in the trash can. He looks back up at her and she is eating her food and looking at her desk top computer. He bends over and grabs the box out of the trash. Upon picking it up a white lily falls out. His eyes narrow as he remembered the flower in front of her door. It was the same kind. Dropping the box and letting it fall back in the can. “Katie, who sent you this flower.” He said looking at her.

  She was surprised that he noticed the gift.

  “I don’t know.”

  “There wasn’t a card?”


  He watched her as she put her fork down and stared straight into his eyes. He seen the face of fear and panic.

  “It didn’t come with a card.”

  “Just a small card with my name on it.” His voice low.

  “Looks like you have and admirer.” He paused for a moment waiting her face.

  “I think you may need to get you better security, especially here.”

  “You sound more like my father.”

  “I’m concerned.”

  John watched her as she walked to the window and stood there and looked out. He then got up and walk to her. He put his arm around her waist and pulled her to him.

  “I am fond of you Katie and worry about your safety. You have had some creepy things going on here lately.”

  “It will be fine.” She answered.

  Not wanting to let him know that she was worried. She looked up into his eyes as all her worries went away. His lips covered hers as her body melted into his.

  When he released his kiss he could feel her body relax, it was if she was needing him. He was convinced know more than ever that she belonged to him.

  “This is a suggestion; why don’t you stay with me for a few days. Are at least until we find out who this person is.”

  “I’m not going to let someone run me out of my house over a few Lilies.”

  “Katie no one is running you out of your house, I would feel better with you closer to me.” He smiled.

  “I will think about it.” She said as she walked back over to her desk.

  Looking down at the white box. A sudden chill rolled down her spine as a flash of her past hit her.

  “What if this is that person that shot me? No it has been too long. It is just a crazy admirer.” She thought.

  Sitting down in her chair and noticed John was waiting every move she was making. Watching ever expression that was on her face.

  “You didn’t eat.” She said trying to get the focus off of her.

  “You didn’t eat much either.” He answered, studying her eyes. They told a story, one that he could read very clearly. There was fear, panic, love, and passion all rolled into one. There was one thing about Katie, her eyes never lied. That was one of the things he loved about her. He didn’t have to ask how she was he could read it in her.

  Katie jumps as her phone rings, she reaches down and picks it up.

  “Hello Zoe.”

  “Hey Katie, I was just letting you know you house will be ready the first of next week. The closing is set for the third of January. Everything is finished and waiting for your approval.”

  “That great news. I will see you at closing.”

  “You don’t want to do a walk through before then.”

  “I may tomorrow, I will be busy the rest of the week.”

  “That sounds good.”

  “Great, I will call you after I look at it tomorrow.”

  “Talk to you then.”

  Katie hung up the phone with a slight grin on her face.

  “Sounds like good news.”

  “It is the house will be ready the third.”

  “That is wonderful?”

  “Yes I can’t wait, now you and my dad don’t have to worry so much.” She giggles.

  “Oh we will still worry, but at least not as much with security out there.”

  “When are you going to look at it again?”



  “Yes, you can come with me if it will make you feel better.”

  “Thank you and yes it would.” He smiled.

  “I have a lot to get done by next week. I almost forgot my father's new year’s eve party this weekend.”

  “That’s right?”

  “I can’t go. I have to pack.”

  “Katie you know you father is counting on you, and besides I will help you. It will get done stop worrying.”

  “John I can’t stay at your house I have too much to do.”

  “Well then let me help.”

  “Don’t you have to work?”

  “You forget one thing I own my company.” He laughed, “Besides I can’t seem to let you do this alone.”

  “I don’t understand why not. I have been doing th
ings alone for a very long time.”

  “That is more of a reason to let me help you, so you don’t have to do it alone again.” As he stared at her watching her face flush a deep red.

  “I have a feeling that you are not going to take no for answer.”

  “You are so right my dear.” His voice seductive and low.

  “Well I have to warn you I have a lot to do, so don’t get in my way.”

  “Oh rest assure I want get in your way. Fine then it is settled I will go home with you and start helping you tonight.” He smiled.



  “Persistent are we.”

  “Oh yes, I think you need a hand and with your little admirer lurking around you might need a body guard. Since you want go back to my place.”

  Glaring at her, watching them deep green eyes that he could get lost in them forever. He wanted to get her out of this office somewhere more at home.

  “What do you say we get out of here?”

  “John, I have to finish this contract.”

  “Well take it with you.”

  She looked down at her watch, it was almost six thirty in the evening.

  “I have a lot of work to do.”

  “Of course.” He said, watching her close her laptop and put it in her case.

  He put the boxes of food in a bag and followed her out her office. With one hand he closes the door.

  “Good evening Katie.” Susan said.

  “Good evening Susan I will see you in the morning.”

  “Oh one more thing, Ms. Katie.”

  “What is it?” She turned and looked at her.

  “Well I know this sounds crazy put you have a few calls today. A gentleman asks if you were in. I told him yes and ask his name and he hung up. He did this three are four times this afternoon. I just find that a little odd.”