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In Your Shadow Page 10

  Katie didn’t resist, she craved him like he was her air. She starts to quiver as he pulls her shirt off. Revealing her white laced bra. She opened her mouth to speak, but no words could come out. She watched him undress as he pulled her jeans off and laid down beside her. His hands running down her side, chills ran across her body. He lit a flame in her that she wasn’t sure could be put out. His grabbed her shoulders and rolled on to her. His face was near hers staring down in her deep blue eyes. Katie touched the side of his face running her fingers down his cheekbone and buried her fingers in his hair. Pulling him closer to her she couldn’t pull away. Instead, she pulled him closer as his lips touched hers and his tongue explored every inch of her mouth. Now he moved down to her neck moving slowing up her cheek and onto her lips again. His other hand unbutton her jeans as he stood up and took them off of her. He laid back down on her running his fingers oh so slowly down her side exploring her body. For the first time in years, her mind totally shut down completely her body was in control. He must have felt her eagerness, he slowly slide inside of her with almost no warning. He wrapped around him tightly as her nails dug into his flesh. She had a rhythm going with him more passionate than before. She cried out not wanting to let go of him, he gashed for as sweat poured off his body. He rolled to his side pulling her with him, still entwined together as he pressed against her lips again. All the thoughts that were going through her mind of losing someone left. She had been longing for passion and love again.

  Katie wiped the sweat from his forehead off with her fingers. She smiles at him with her eyes glowing. By the look in her eyes, John knew he had her.



  “What do you have in here?”

  “Not much but we can order takeout.”

  She rolled off of him and grabbed his shirt that was on the floor and put it on. As she turned around he was sitting on the bed.

  “That looks better on you than on me” he laughed.

  “You can have it back as soon as I find mine.” Giggling.

  They walked to the kitchen and looked in the refrigerator and, of course, there was nothing to cook. A little eggs milk and a few other things, but mainly bare.

  “Wow, when you said no groceries you meant it.”

  “Take out, there is a great Chinese restaurant that delivers, are pizza, Italian. Whatever it is you like.”

  “How about Chinese!”

  “Sounds good, the number is on the corner, I’m going to shower.” Giggling as she walks upstairs to the bathroom.

  “Well I guess I will order then.”

  John calls the restaurant and placed and order he had a few minutes before they deliver so followers the sound of the shower.

  Opening the bathroom door there, she stood behind a glass door. He walked slowly to the door and dropped his pants and got in behind her. She jumps as she feels his arms around her. Water running between their bodies, it felt like heaven. She finished washing his back and slipped out the shower, grabbing a robe that was hanging on the door she hurried to her bedroom and grabbed some clothes. Just and t-shirt and some shorts. Coming out of her bedroom she saw John standing in the bathroom door wearing a towel. She stood there for a moment just enjoying the view. It reminded her of how happy she was with him.

  She walked to him as he pulled her close to his wet body. His lips kissing her hard and with more passion.

  There was a knock at the door that destroyed their heated moment.

  “Safed by the door” he smiled as he set her free.

  “Just a minute” she yells, grabbing a pair of sweat pants and a money out of her wallet. Buttoning up his shirt that she put on as she ran to the door.

  A little Chinese man was standing in the doorway he hands her the food and she pulls the money out of her pocket. In the corner of her eye she saw a figure just standing there on the sidewalk across the street. She turned her head and the figure never moved. Chills ran down her neck as she closed the door and locked it. Walking to the kitchen she saw John sitting on the bar stool with two glasses of red wine. She had a weird look on her face as she put the food down on the corner.

  “Whats wrong?” John ask

  “Really nothing, “

  “You look like it was something.”

  “There is a man standing across the street he just gives me the creeps.”

  “What man?”

  “The one that was standing on the sidewalk when I paid for my food.”

  John got up and ran to the door and opens it quickly. He stood outside looking down both sides of the street. He saw a man a long coat with dark hair walking a block down. He stood there and watched him go into some apartments. He goes back in and closes the door and locks it.

  He hurries to the kitchen as she was sitting on a chair sipping on her wine.

  “Well there isn’t no one out there just a dark haired man walking back to his apartment.” He walks over and softly kisses her on the lips.

  “Was he wearing a long coat.”


  “That was the guy!”

  “Well he is gone now.”

  “That’s good. You ready to eat.”

  Katie picks up some rice with the chops sticks and puts it to his lips he opens his mouth widely she gently slides the sticks out of his mouth.

  “You are going to feed me.”

  “No just a taste” she giggles.

  John picks up some shrimp with his chopsticks and it falls to the floor before he can get it to her mouth.

  Laughter filled the room.

  He sat there and listen to her. Nodding his head he picks up a fork and finishing his food.

  “Give up on chopstick.”

  “Never was good at that” smiling at her.

  Katie finished up her glass of wine and stares at him for a moment. He never said anything she could see everything in his beautiful eyes. They told a story of love and passion. She got up and put her plate in the sink, when she turned around he was standing right in front of her with his bare chest and ripped shoulders. He grabs her hand and heads upstairs to her bedroom. She pulls the covers down and crawls in, he is right beside her. His arms holding her tightly against his chest. A few minutes later she falls fast asleep.

  Chapter 13

  Tom looked at the clock hanging on the wall told him he had been pacing back in forth from the window for hours. The window was cracked so he could hear every noise coming from the street below.

  He was panicing not knowing what was going on with her. Finally he stopped and pulled out his phone. He called her answering service and pleaded with them to give them her number. He hadn’t seen any movement since Friday morning , he was going insane.

  “It’s an emergency I need to contact her please” he said.

  The woman finally gave him her cell phone number. Looking down at the number his hands start to shake. He hangs up quickly and dials her number.

  “Hello” she answered.

  “Hello” she said again.

  His mouth opened but nothing came out. He couldn’t speech he froze at the sound of her voice. What was he going to say? How was he going to talk to her? Fear set in his mind as sweat rolled down his face, his heart racing. He hangs up the phone not knowing what to do.

  “ I need to think” he thought.

  “Where is she?” Questions going through his head.

  Walking back to the window he stares at her apartment.

  A couple was out walking his dog and a few were seating on their steps. The sun was going down, the street lights were coming on. It was a cold Sunday evening with the wind blowing trash from the sidewalk. They predicted inches of snow tomorrow. He walks away from the window he stops in front of her picture and stares.

  “It time for you to be with me, I see that you are not going to be alone anymore,” talking out loud to himself.

  Finally he walks over and pours him a drink and sits down at the window.

  “No” he yells, his ha
nds pressing against the window, after he saw her with another man.

  “No no no, you can’t” he yells, with his eyes still on the window.

  He was in rage he pick up a paper weight and throws it at the window. It shatters and the glass and the object flys out the window. A woman yells when the glass almost hits her as it hits the concrete. He jumps back when he noticed they were looking up towards his window. Watching from the corner the gentleman opened her door and they went in. Staring in shock he couldn’t believe she invited him in. He grab his jacket and headed to the door. When he opened it a tall heavy set man was stand in front of him.

  “What’s going on in there, what did you break?” His voice loud and full of anger.

  “Nothing I just dropped a glass.” He answered.

  “Your rent is overdue I want the money tomorrow are you will be evicted”

  He turned his back to him and quickly pulled his door closed and lock it. When he turned around he was still standing in the hallway with his arms crossed.

  “Did you hear me” he spoke again.

  “Yes I heard you, I will have it tomorrow.” He snapped back.

  “All of it” the tall man turned and walked away.

  “That’s all I need is him on my back now, could it get any worst.”

  He got on the elevator and got off at the bottom floor. He walked out the front door with the wind harsh and cold. Blowing strongly against his face, he was too angry to fill the coldness. His adrenaline was pumping through his veins like pure hot lava. He stops directly across from her building and stares up at the lights of her room. He could see shadows moving around but he couldn’t tell who it was. He stood there and watched a delivery man bring food to the door. Katie came to the door and paid for the food. It looked as if she was wearing jogging pants and a button up shirt. The wind had caught her hair and was blowing it wildly around her face.

  “Such a gorgeous.” He thought.

  He saw her gaze up and stare at him for a second. With his heart racing he took a step closer her door closed and she was gone. He turned and started walking back to his apartment he wanted to barg in her house and grab her, but he knew he couldn’t not with that man there. His eyes narrow with his anger. He turned back around when he reached his door and he seen a gentleman go back in her house.

  He unlocked his apartment door and headed straight to the window. He stood there and watched all the lights go out.

  In rage he rips her pictures off the wall tearing them in half and watches them fall the floor. Yelling out of rage.

  “How could you? You are mind and no one else’s. I just can’t trust you. I am coming for you.”

  When he turned around his floor was covered will pictures scattered everywhere. Bits and pieces covered the room, she was everywhere. The wall was bare with nothing on it. Kicking over chairs, throwing anything he could get his hands on. The room was a disaster, ransacked and destroyed. He falls down to his knees as he picked up a picture of her that was torn in half , he placed it together and held it to his chest.

  “I’m sorry Katie, forgive me” as tears rolled down his face.

  He stood up and walked to his bedroom carry her picture like she was in his arms. Falling down on his bed, with his arms crossed and the photo of her tightly against his chest he closed his eyes. He could see her in a distance but she wasn’t close to him. He cried out her name and she walked away.

  “Katie” he screams, watching her disappear into darkness.

  He jumps up with his body covered in sweat, his heart racing out of control. He couldn’t breathe, he was having a panic attack. Sitting up in the bed trying to catch his breath he noticed her picture was on the floor beside him. Picking up the picture he sits there and closes his eyes. This time nothing came to his mind. The room was cold as the wind came blowing through the window. He got up and grabbed a piece of card broad and tapes it over the window. He could see a light trace of snow starting to fall. Looking down at his hand blood was dripping from it and hitting the floor. A piece of glass was sticking in his finger. He watched the blood fall to the floor as it reminded him of when he seen her laying on the floor shot. He heads to the bathroom to clean the worn as he looked in the mirror, he seen a reflection of a man he didn’t recognize. Rugged looking with his beard long with gray streaks, bags under his eyes, his hair was thick and dirty. His face wrinkled and dark rings around his eyes. He just stared at himself.

  “No this won't do, she will never come to me like this.”

  He picks up a razor and shaves the hair off his face, grabbing scissors he starts cutting his hair off. Taking a hair trimmer and correcting his cut. His hair was short and shaped nicely around his head. He shaved his face leaving it nice and clean. When he finished he looked like a different man.

  Jumping in the shower washing all the hair off his body, he returns to the mirror.

  “ You will like this new look.”

  Walking away from bathroom he dresses and returns to bedroom filling self-confidence. He walks to the closet and get out a suit, lays it on the arm of a chair. He crawls into bed and bundles up as the air was cold and damp in the dingy dark room. Is mind goes to thinking on the first time he met her. Vibrant, energic, full of life. He loved her the first time he set eyes on her. Many years he tried to get her out of his system but couldn’t. Moving away and coming back still she stayed in his mind. Wanting her, needing her, loving her. It was so overwhelming, and now he had to stop watching and dreaming and appoarch her. Claim her his, this was his dream his future. With this thought in his mind he finally closes his eyes and dreams of her with him.

  Chapter 14

  Katie opened her eyes as the light filtered in through the blinds. Hoping this weekend wasn’t just a dream. Laying there thinking of the wonderful time she had with John, she didn’t want it to end. She realized she was cuddled up next to his warm naked body with his arm still around her. She felt happy for once in a long time. There were no nightmares they seem to cease. Was this because she was content are because she felt safe again.

  “Was she ready for a commitment are was this just a weekend fling.” All these questions going through her head.

  A part of her wanted to let her emotions loose and fall in love with him. She needed it, she wanted it, too long had passed without having it. Her heart was craving him now and she knew it. She stared at this godness of a man next to her.

  She begins to stretch as his eyes came open. His dark hair and deep eyes made her blood rush through her veins. His eyes opened staring at her. She could feel his arms pulling her closer to him, his lips covered hers. Her legs went around him and she wrapped her arms behind his shoulders. It was like he was finishing where he left off last night. She didn’t have time to resist, he was giving in what she needed and wanted. He was on top of her before she could blink and they continued their lovemaking. She could feel his release at the same time of hers.

  Only her national urge to pee forced her to move out of his arms in a hurry.

  “Where are you going?” he smiles like he is had a secret.

  “To pee” she giggles like a child.

  “We should probably get ready for work.” She said coming out of the bathroom.

  He was still in bed with his head on his elbow smiling at her. She took a deep breath walking slowly to the edge of the bed.

  “I think we may be a little late “he said looking over at the clock.

  “It’s 8 o: clock already, I overslept.” she jumped up and ran to the closet grabbing clothes to put on.

  “I have a meeting at 9.”

  “Isn’t it your company.”

  “Yes, but I still have a meeting.”

  Laughing out loud he got up and went to the chair and put on his pants own. He grabbed his shirt and walked to the window and pulled the blinds up. The streets were covered in a blanket snow; a few snowflakes were still falling.

  “Well I’m not sure you will make you meeting.” He turns at her and smiles.

  “Why is that?”

  “Come look.”

  She walks over to the window and there was a blanket of white covering the ground. “Snow.” She paused, looking at the bright white powder that covered the ground. A few cars were moving slowing down the streets, leaving a path.

  “Well my office isn’t but a mile down the road. It doesn’t look that bad because cars are driving on it.”

  “Slave driver huh.”

  “Yes you can say that.”

  The neighbor was out letting his dog jump around in snow. It looked only a few inches deep.

  She walked away from the window and finished getting dressed.

  John watched her call her driver as he was put his tie on. He walks up behind her and puts arms around her waist and turns her around and his lips covers hers. She pulls away and just stands there and stares into his eyes. A horn blew and broke her concentration.

  “My driver is here.”

  “I can tell, when can I see you again” he smile.

  Katie’s heart was jumping, hard against her chest.

  “Call me later” she smiled.

  He followed her to the door with his hands on her back. Before she opened he grabbed her tightly and kissed her long and hard. When he released her she was catching her breath.

  “Just a little something until next time. Thank you for such a wonderful evening.” He paused for a moment.

  “ I don’t think you will need a escort service anymore.”Laughing at his statement.

  “Oh you think that's funny do you.”